KEVIN SPACEY...The man who has found a calm in acting. His powerful performance has won the eye of Broadway and the Oscars. Most of all has won this acting soul of mine. This month THE DIVAS honor Mr. Spacey every Wednesday. Please check out The news and events for Date and Time of the Divas viewing of Kevin Spacey's new movie (sure to be an Oscar Nominee) "Pay It Forward." 
NOVEMBER 8th...7:00 p.m. American Beauty. Starring Kevin Spacey and Annette Bening. 2000 OSCAR WINNER 10th...Pay It Forward (Location and Time TBA). 15th...7:00 p.m. L.A. Confidential. Starring Russell Crowe, Kevin Spacey and Kim Basinger. 22nd...7:00 p.m. The Usual Suspects. Starring Gabriel Byrne and Kevine Spacey. 1995 BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR OSCAR WINNER. 29th...7:00 p.m. Seven. Starring Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman and Kevin Spacey. |